Sunday, October 19, 2008


Whew! Just got back from a difficult 5m. So we've decided to train for the St. Jude Half Marathon, as if we don't have enough going on. But you know, I've realized if I wait until things calm down, I'll never run again. So, here I go...I walked out my door, iPod at the ready with lots of new tunes, my shoes with new insoles, and, of course, my running skirt (my new favorite running inspiration). I turned left out of my neighborhood and facing me was a huge hill (yes, we do have those in Jonesboro). I had set my watch for 50 minutes within which to finish my run. I think I finished in just over an hour. If my horrid time weren't enough, I now have raw exposed skin on my thighs (note to self, I must lose weight)! Sufficient to say, I walked a lot today. But all in all it was a day where the morning lasts all afternoon. The temperature was perfect, the sun was beautiful, and the leaves are beginning to change. And, best of all, no mosquitos. So, now I remember why I love running and I will be sure to realign the rest of my lifestyle to accommodate this passion.