What a long, strange trip it's been. This year has been a whirlwind. We started the year contemplating law school. Brad was finishing his philosophy degree and in school full-time, working two full-time jobs, and studying for the LSAT. I remember counting down until the end of the semester until the LSAT would be over and we would have some relief. Then, Brad decided to run for City Council. So, we spent the Summer and Fall campaigning. That was exhausting with two kids and jobs to juggle. But a good experience overall. We lost, but that's okay. It is all part of a bigger plan (as is usually the case). It also kept us too busy to think about when we would hear back from law schools. But we were also in a perpetual state of "what if this" and "what if that". Again, exhausting. Then, last week, it came. Brad had been checking the mail box everyday. And this day I happened to be home cleaning for a holiday party. He rushed in and I think we both screamed for half an hour. It was a good day. Most people don't know how far Brad and I have come. We have had many internal struggles in our marriage but we've learned that conflict is not always bad. It is because of the conflict that we are closer today and because we are closer, we can share in this awesome joy together. It was a really good day. I am so proud of him!
So, on to the next adventure. We will be leaving Jonesboro for Little Rock. Brad will be attending Bowen Law School which is part of the UALR system. We have a lot to do over the next few months. So, it looks like 2009 will start just as busy as 2008. But first, I am going to enjoy the cruise I bought us! More on that later.
I think this news helped us enjoy the holidays a lot more. It was a relief to get the news BEFORE Christmas. We are so very blessed. I hope we can all focus on the many blessings we have as the new year comes around. It will be hard for me to make any resolutions because I don't think I could possibly work on anything else and don't want to endure the disgrace of breaking a resolution within the first week of 2009.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Snow Day
One of the great things about living in the South is that even when we get less than an inch of snow, everything shuts down. I have a friend who lives in Michigan and recently took a stroll through the woods with 12+ inches of snow on the ground and got up the next morning and everyone went to work...a normal day. On Monday night, we got a pleasant surprise when a "Winter Storm Gripped the Region" (or so the newspaper said). In truth, we received about 1/2 inch of solid ice with a little snow on top for effect. It was beautiful and a bit unexpected to have winter weather BEFORE Christmas!! As predicted, schools were out and many businesses closed. Our favorite pizza parlor refused to open (how dare they!). I let my employees off for the day because I deeemed it "too unsafe for them to be traveling". Actually, I wanted to stay home and sled with Kiley. After about an hour of sledding we were done with that and the kids went to Grandma's so Mom could get ready for Christmas by purging all of the unused toys and sundries from the playroom without grabby hands interupting to say "But that's my favorite toy". It is always a real treat when you get two days in a row out of school around here. This time, the conditions were just right and the needle didn't go above freezing all day yesterday (this is how I am certain there is a God who loves me). So, we had another snow day today! We loaded up the kids to head to Burger King for breakfast before going about our daily activities. While we were there, a big 18-wheeler tried to drive up the slight incline of BK to make his delivery. He got stuck in the entrance of BK. Consequently, we were all stuck in the BK parking lot for about an hour. I wasn't panicked because I was enjoying the snow day. But there were those in the drive- through who were a little less than happy. We were actually inside the restaurant enjoying our breakfast and an intriguing thing happened. As soon as the unfortunate truck driver got stuck, it was like a vail of difference was lifted from the patrons of BK and instantly we were all in community. The chatter rose, we had our noses stuck to the window, people were asking what they could do to help, someone went outside to direct traffic from the drive-through. We suddenly had this unifying event unfolding. As we watched the poor truck driver exit his rig and walk over to the dysfunctional tires to pour salt under them, he tripped and fell flat on his back and drenched the backside of his jeans (this guy was having a really bad day, and, since it was about 9:00a,it was possible this was his first delivery for the day. I hope his day gets better). But I digress. We all suddenly has this commonality that was so poignant and tangible. It was a forced moment to stop and take in the only commodity available to us....each other. This is why I love snow days. God creates this divine chaos so we will all take inventory of ourselves and check the condition of each other. Everyone seems to be watching out for one another a little more. Whenever you leave you are admonished to "Be careful out there". Hmmm, shouldn't everyday be this way?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
There have been so many times over the last few days that I've thought, 'Oh I need to blog about that'. My girls are growing so fast and I feel like I can't capture each minute as well as I want to. It's kind of like how a picture can never do the actual view justice. I know that blogging about their lives pales in comparison to the joy of watching them unfold. I am thankful today to be in this moment and not begging for the next to come quickly. I am thankful that I am engaged with Robyn especially. I feel like I have lost a good portion of her first two years being distracted by so many other things. Her birthday is in a few days and I am more excited about that than Christmas this year! I am praying that 'The Christmas Spirit' doesn't overwhelm me and take away this joy of being in the moment. I have some of my shopping done but am not in a hurry to finish the rest of it. It's a good place to be. It will get done when it gets done. I have but a wreath on my door this year and nothing else outside. In fact, we still have our halloween pumpkins on the porch. Hey, why not make the season last as long as possible. At this rate, we'll take down Christmas sometime in March. We did get the tree up this weekend. It was a blast. We made cookies, we sang loud off-key Christmas songs, we put all of the ornaments on the first 2 feet of the tree because that's as high as the girls could reach. I can't remember decorating for Christmas being such a family event before. Brad even took pictures!! In a time of such transition and uncertainty in our future, there is peace in our family right now. And that is truly Divine.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Song
Okay, so it's been a while. A lot has changed. The St. Jude race is this weekend. We are NOT participating. What were we thinking to sign up in the first place?? Anyway, I'm glad to not have the stress of it right now. Still no news on law school. We'll let you know as soon as we have more information. Probably, after the first of the year. I've thought of a thousand things to blog about over the last 2 months, I just haven't found time to sit down and actually write. But I was reminded of this song earlier this morning. There is this song by The Dave Matthews Band, maybe you've heard of it. It is not "The Christmas Song" you may be thinking of. No chestnuts roasting over a fire in this song. The Dave Matthews version is simply "Christmas Song" and is a poignant reminder from an unexpected artist about the significance of this time of year. Lyrics are below video. Listen and enjoy...
She was his girl; he was her boyfriend
She'd be his wife and make him her husband
A surprise on the way, any day, any day
One healthy little giggling dribbling baby boy
The wise men came, three made their way
To shower him with love
While he lay in the hay
Shower him with love love love
Love love love
Love love was all around
Not very much of his childhood was known
Kept his mother Mary worried
Always out on his own
He met another Mary who for a reasonable fee,
less than reputable was known to be.
His heart full of love love love
Love love love
Love love was all around
When Jesus Christ was nailed to his tree
Said "oh, Daddy-o, I can see how it all soon will be
I came to shed a little light on this darkening scene
Instead I fear I've spilled the blood of my children all around"
The blood of my children all around
The blood of my children's all around
So I'm told, so the story goes
The people he knew were
Less than golden hearted
Gamblers and Robbers
Drinkers and Jokers, all soul searchers
Like you and me
Like you and me
Rumors insisted he soon would be
For his deviations
Taken into custody
By the authorities less informed than he.
Drinkers and Jokers all soul searchers
Searching for love love love
Love love love
Love love was all around
Preparations were made
For his celebration day
He said "eat this bread and think of it as me
Drink this wine and dream it will be
The blood of our children all around
The blood of our children's all around
The blood of our children all around
Father up above, why in all this hatred do you fill
Me up with love, love, love
Love love love
Love love was all around
Father up above, why in all this anger do you fill
Me up with love, fill me love love love
Love love love
all you need is love
you can't buy me love
Love love love
Love love
And the blood of our children's all around
She was his girl; he was her boyfriend
She'd be his wife and make him her husband
A surprise on the way, any day, any day
One healthy little giggling dribbling baby boy
The wise men came, three made their way
To shower him with love
While he lay in the hay
Shower him with love love love
Love love love
Love love was all around
Not very much of his childhood was known
Kept his mother Mary worried
Always out on his own
He met another Mary who for a reasonable fee,
less than reputable was known to be.
His heart full of love love love
Love love love
Love love was all around
When Jesus Christ was nailed to his tree
Said "oh, Daddy-o, I can see how it all soon will be
I came to shed a little light on this darkening scene
Instead I fear I've spilled the blood of my children all around"
The blood of my children all around
The blood of my children's all around
So I'm told, so the story goes
The people he knew were
Less than golden hearted
Gamblers and Robbers
Drinkers and Jokers, all soul searchers
Like you and me
Like you and me
Rumors insisted he soon would be
For his deviations
Taken into custody
By the authorities less informed than he.
Drinkers and Jokers all soul searchers
Searching for love love love
Love love love
Love love was all around
Preparations were made
For his celebration day
He said "eat this bread and think of it as me
Drink this wine and dream it will be
The blood of our children all around
The blood of our children's all around
The blood of our children all around
Father up above, why in all this hatred do you fill
Me up with love, love, love
Love love love
Love love was all around
Father up above, why in all this anger do you fill
Me up with love, fill me love love love
Love love love
all you need is love
you can't buy me love
Love love love
Love love
And the blood of our children's all around
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Whew! Just got back from a difficult 5m. So we've decided to train for the St. Jude Half Marathon, as if we don't have enough going on. But you know, I've realized if I wait until things calm down, I'll never run again. So, here I go...I walked out my door, iPod at the ready with lots of new tunes, my shoes with new insoles, and, of course, my running skirt (my new favorite running inspiration). I turned left out of my neighborhood and facing me was a huge hill (yes, we do have those in Jonesboro). I had set my watch for 50 minutes within which to finish my run. I think I finished in just over an hour. If my horrid time weren't enough, I now have raw exposed skin on my thighs (note to self, I must lose weight)! Sufficient to say, I walked a lot today. But all in all it was a day where the morning lasts all afternoon. The temperature was perfect, the sun was beautiful, and the leaves are beginning to change. And, best of all, no mosquitos. So, now I remember why I love running and I will be sure to realign the rest of my lifestyle to accommodate this passion.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
There are so many things to be amused by today. I will not expand on the most amusing which is this political race my husband has found himself in. Let's just leave it at you know where you stand with people when you put yourself out there publicly. I have a deeper admiration for my husband than ever before because of the scrutiny he is enduring these days. No one knows the degree of commitment he has had over the last two years to accomplish the number of things he has accomplished. I can truly say that I have the deepest respect for him and the grace with which he is handling himself as people who know very little about him are hurling comments around about him. To those of you who may find yourselves in this camp, I encourage you to have coffee with Brad. You will learn a lot about his heart. He has come a long way in the last few years and if you doubt his sincerity you should know that we have had many conversations and deep discussions about the direction for our community and our family and I am confident in his ability to lead and so should you be. I will leave it at that.
As for my amusing day today, it started with Kiley in the shower with a green rubber duck. Now, what I am about to tell you is a bit graphic and you should be warned before you read any further. She holds her green duck up to the glass and says, "Mom, look!" As I look over, she has taken the hair from the drain of the shower and given the duck a very stylish toupee!!! I am still laughing at the image!
We got the car washed today and, apparently, I have not taken Robyn through the car wash in her almost two years of existence. She covered her face the whole time thinking the water was about to get her!! So cute!
As for my amusing day today, it started with Kiley in the shower with a green rubber duck. Now, what I am about to tell you is a bit graphic and you should be warned before you read any further. She holds her green duck up to the glass and says, "Mom, look!" As I look over, she has taken the hair from the drain of the shower and given the duck a very stylish toupee!!! I am still laughing at the image!
We got the car washed today and, apparently, I have not taken Robyn through the car wash in her almost two years of existence. She covered her face the whole time thinking the water was about to get her!! So cute!
Monday, September 8, 2008
This past weekend I had the honor to spend some great time with some great friends to celebrate a birthday. For adventure, we went rafting. It ended up not being the highlight of the weekend. I think these pictures will speak for themselves as to the tone of the weekend. We all left different people, I think. Thank you ladies for the conversation and the reminder of where Christ resides.

Something to think about
I came across this article recently. It is thought provoking and, in many ways, describes where I am spiritually.
The People formerly known as The Congregation
Jay Rosen created the meme of The People Formerly Known as the Audience - those of us who are no longer content to be content consumers - but have become content creators ourselves.
The people formerly known as the audience wish to inform media people of our existence, and of a shift in power that goes with the platform shift you’ve all heard about.
Think of passengers on your ship who got a boat of their own. The writing readers. The viewers who picked up a camera. The formerly atomized listeners who with modest effort can connect with each other and gain the means to speak— to the world, as it were.
Now we understand that met with ringing statements like these many media people want to cry out in the name of reason herself: If all would speak who shall be left to listen? Can you at least tell us that?
The people formerly known as the audience do not believe this problem—too many speakers!—is our problem. Now for anyone in your circle still wondering who we are, a formal definition might go like this:
The people formerly known as the audience are those who were on the receiving end of a media system that ran one way, in a broadcasting pattern, with high entry fees and a few firms competing to speak very loudly while the rest of the population listened in isolation from one another— and who today are not in a situation like that at all.
Let me introduce you to The People formerly known as The Congregation. There are millions of us.
We are people - flesh and blood - image bearers of the Creator - eikons, if you will. We are not numbers.
We are the eikons who once sat in the uncomfortable pews or plush theatre seating of your preaching venues. We sat passively while you proof-texted your way through 3, 4, 5 or no point sermons - attempting to tell us how you and your reading of The Bible had a plan for our lives. Perhaps God does have a plan for us - it just doesn't seem to jive with yours.
Money was a great concern. And, for a moment, we believed you when you told us God would reward us for our tithes - or curse us if we didn't. The Law is just so much easier to preach than Grace. My goodness, if you told us that the 1st century church held everything in common - you might be accused of being a socialist - and of course, capitalism is a direct gift from God. Please further note: Malachi 3 is speaking to the priests of Israel. They weren't the cheerful givers God speaks of loving.
We grew weary from your Edifice Complex pathologies - building projects more important than the people in your neighbourhood...or in your pews. It wasn't God telling you to "enlarge the place of your tent" - it was your ego. And, by the way, a multi-million dollar, state of the art building is hardly a tent.
We no longer buy your call to be "fastest growing" church in wherever. That is your need. You want a bigger audience. We won't be part of one.
Our ears are still ringing from the volume, but...Jesus is not our boyfriend - and we will no longer sing your silly love songs that suggest He is. Happy clappy tunes bear no witness to the reality of the world we live in, the powers and principalities we confront, or are worthy of the one we proclaim King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
You offered us a myriad of programs to join - volunteer positions to assuage our desire to be connected. We could be greeters, parking lot attendants, coffee baristas, book store helpers, children's ministry workers, media ministry drones - whatever you needed to fulfill your dreams of corporate glory. Perhaps you've noticed, we aren't there anymore.
We are The People formerly known as The Congregation. We have not stopped loving the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Nor do we avoid "the assembling of the saints." We just don't assemble under your supposed leadership. We meet in coffee shops, around dinner tables, in the parks and on the streets. We connect virtually across space and time - engaged in generative conversations - teaching and being taught.
We live amongst our neighbours, in their homes and they in ours. We laugh and cry and really live - without the need to have you teach us how - by reading your ridiculous books or listening to your supercilious CDs or podcasts.
We don't deny Paul's description of APEPT leadership - Ephesians 4:11. We just see it in the light of Jesus' teaching in Mark 10 and Matthew 20 - servant leadership. We truly long for the release of servant leading men and women into our gifts as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. We believe in Peter's words that describe us all as priests. Not just some, not just one gender.
We are The People formerly known as The Congregation. We do not hate you. Though some of us bear the wounds you have inflicted. Many of you are our brothers and our sisters, misguided by the systems you inhabit, intoxicated by the power - yet still members of our family. (Though some are truly wolves in sheep's clothing.)
And, as The People formerly known as The Congregation, we invite you to join us on this great adventure. To boldly go where the Spirit leads us. To marvel at what the Father is doing in the communities where He has placed us. To live the love that Jesus shows us.
The People formerly known as The Congregation
Jay Rosen created the meme of The People Formerly Known as the Audience - those of us who are no longer content to be content consumers - but have become content creators ourselves.
The people formerly known as the audience wish to inform media people of our existence, and of a shift in power that goes with the platform shift you’ve all heard about.
Think of passengers on your ship who got a boat of their own. The writing readers. The viewers who picked up a camera. The formerly atomized listeners who with modest effort can connect with each other and gain the means to speak— to the world, as it were.
Now we understand that met with ringing statements like these many media people want to cry out in the name of reason herself: If all would speak who shall be left to listen? Can you at least tell us that?
The people formerly known as the audience do not believe this problem—too many speakers!—is our problem. Now for anyone in your circle still wondering who we are, a formal definition might go like this:
The people formerly known as the audience are those who were on the receiving end of a media system that ran one way, in a broadcasting pattern, with high entry fees and a few firms competing to speak very loudly while the rest of the population listened in isolation from one another— and who today are not in a situation like that at all.
Let me introduce you to The People formerly known as The Congregation. There are millions of us.
We are people - flesh and blood - image bearers of the Creator - eikons, if you will. We are not numbers.
We are the eikons who once sat in the uncomfortable pews or plush theatre seating of your preaching venues. We sat passively while you proof-texted your way through 3, 4, 5 or no point sermons - attempting to tell us how you and your reading of The Bible had a plan for our lives. Perhaps God does have a plan for us - it just doesn't seem to jive with yours.
Money was a great concern. And, for a moment, we believed you when you told us God would reward us for our tithes - or curse us if we didn't. The Law is just so much easier to preach than Grace. My goodness, if you told us that the 1st century church held everything in common - you might be accused of being a socialist - and of course, capitalism is a direct gift from God. Please further note: Malachi 3 is speaking to the priests of Israel. They weren't the cheerful givers God speaks of loving.
We grew weary from your Edifice Complex pathologies - building projects more important than the people in your neighbourhood...or in your pews. It wasn't God telling you to "enlarge the place of your tent" - it was your ego. And, by the way, a multi-million dollar, state of the art building is hardly a tent.
We no longer buy your call to be "fastest growing" church in wherever. That is your need. You want a bigger audience. We won't be part of one.
Our ears are still ringing from the volume, but...Jesus is not our boyfriend - and we will no longer sing your silly love songs that suggest He is. Happy clappy tunes bear no witness to the reality of the world we live in, the powers and principalities we confront, or are worthy of the one we proclaim King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
You offered us a myriad of programs to join - volunteer positions to assuage our desire to be connected. We could be greeters, parking lot attendants, coffee baristas, book store helpers, children's ministry workers, media ministry drones - whatever you needed to fulfill your dreams of corporate glory. Perhaps you've noticed, we aren't there anymore.
We are The People formerly known as The Congregation. We have not stopped loving the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Nor do we avoid "the assembling of the saints." We just don't assemble under your supposed leadership. We meet in coffee shops, around dinner tables, in the parks and on the streets. We connect virtually across space and time - engaged in generative conversations - teaching and being taught.
We live amongst our neighbours, in their homes and they in ours. We laugh and cry and really live - without the need to have you teach us how - by reading your ridiculous books or listening to your supercilious CDs or podcasts.
We don't deny Paul's description of APEPT leadership - Ephesians 4:11. We just see it in the light of Jesus' teaching in Mark 10 and Matthew 20 - servant leadership. We truly long for the release of servant leading men and women into our gifts as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. We believe in Peter's words that describe us all as priests. Not just some, not just one gender.
We are The People formerly known as The Congregation. We do not hate you. Though some of us bear the wounds you have inflicted. Many of you are our brothers and our sisters, misguided by the systems you inhabit, intoxicated by the power - yet still members of our family. (Though some are truly wolves in sheep's clothing.)
And, as The People formerly known as The Congregation, we invite you to join us on this great adventure. To boldly go where the Spirit leads us. To marvel at what the Father is doing in the communities where He has placed us. To live the love that Jesus shows us.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Alternating Addictions
I've been a little addicted to Facebook lately. It appears Facebook has finally drifted to the East a little. My friends from Chattanooga are finally catching on to it and I have been catching up with them. I didn't get to have my 10 year reunion, so this will have to do. A friend of mine asked me recently if I was ever going to blog again. So, now I'm back. My friend Julie is having her birthday this weekend and a group of girls are going to the Ocoee River. I can't wait!!! I never get tired of rafting that river. This will be my second time this Summer! I am really going to miss Brad and the girls, though. I kind of wish they were going with me. Right now, Brad is fervently studying Spanish to finish up his last semester in school. Whew, I don't wish that on my worst enemy. He has a lot of tenacity to stick with this. Needless to say, I'm proud. Law school applications are going well. We are just in limbo right now and won't know anything more certain until after the first of the year. More on that later.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Great Day
Brad and I have come a long way in 10 years. We celebrated our 10th Anniversary yesterday. We had a very low key day of cards and dinner with the kids. But I think the highlight of my day was when Brad suggested we go hiking today (Saturday) with the girls!!!!! Shocker of all shockers!!!! Brad Shumpert suggesting we do something involving nature, and no air conditioning!!!! We have come a long way! I have finally rubbed off on him. So, we loaded up the Jeep today. Took the top off (of the Jeep that is). And headed for Village Creek State Park. We packed a few snacks and I was in Heaven. I love this stuff. I was so relaxed and it was so peaceful. Brad and Kiley fell victim to the mosquitoes at one short part, but otherwise everyone did great. Brad had the honor of carrying Robyn on his back and she was perfect the whole time. A girl after my own heart! Kiley was such a trooper. She was great at spotting the trail markers on the trees and was a fantastic leader. She walked the whole 2 miles all by herself (and very little whining!). We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. It was great to feel the wind as we drove and it was such a blessing to have a mild day in the middle of August. That never happens here. I'm so thankful to Brad for recognizing how important times like that are to me. I think it is important to get our girls outside and exploring. I hope we can do a lot more of this as they grow up, which is happening way too fast by the way!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
You remember that kid in the movie "Parenthood" who ran around the house with a bucket on his head all the time? I used to think that was staged. And then I had Robyn. At present, I am watching her try to navigate our bedroom with a paper bag on her head and I'm thankful that at least she has found something to entertain herself that is fairly safe. Never let it be said that this child can't find her way out of a paper bag! Not only can she find her way in and out of it, she can find her way all the way around the perimeter of our room. She is really into discovering grown up stuff right now. For instance, before the bag on the head trick, she wanted to make sure her hair looked just right. So, she went to my drawer in my bathroom, where I in fact keep my brushes. Only, she pulled out the lint roller instead and proceeded to use it on her head. Yeah, that didn't go so well. So, she moved on to the paper bag. And they say enjoy them while their young!? How do you keep up with a child who moves faster than lightning and has a curiosity to rival Curious George!!?? Oi, parenthood.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
We had a great trip. I took lots of pictures but only have limited time and space to share them here. We loaded down the car last Saturday and headed out. We made a last minute decision to take a babysitter and, let me tell you, it was the best decision of our lives! This is the first relaxing beach vacation we have had since Kiley was born. For the first time in four years, I wasn't having to go back and forth between the condo, the beach, and the pool to change a diaper, do nap time, eat, etc. It was wonderful. I actually think I spent more time with my children because I could devote some much needed one on one time to each of them!!! What a blessing. We took two days to travel down staying over in Jackson, MS on Saturday night. We arrived late afternoon on Sunday and immediately headed for the pool. Kiley and her dad had a great time playing in the water the whole week. I think Brad got his workout in swimming Kiley around the pool on his back all week. She barely let go of him. Although she is getting so much better at swimming. She doesn't use her floaties anymore which is a big step up from just a few weeks ago. Brad really worked with her a lot this week but may need some muscle relaxers just to recover from vacation!

Robyn, on the other hand, was absolutely fearless. Again, let me plug the babysitter here. The pool had another level about a foot below the surface with a ledge that ran the entire distance around the pool. Great for toddlers to walk on! Only Robyn didn't want to walk on it. She wanted to jump over it...with her eyes closed as you see her doing here. She doesn't know she is only 19 months old. It took all four of us (me, Brad, mom, and babysitter) just to keep Robyn alive this week. She was all over the place. She would try this jumping in maneuver at all different levels of the pool (at the stairs, in the hot tub, in the 5 foot section, around the rock waterfall feature). Whew!! What energy.

I didn't get any pictures of our day at Big Kahunas but that day was a blast. We left Robyn with Mom in the condo and took Kiley to the waterpark. I think I had more fun than she did. Brad stayed with her in the kiddy pool area and let me ride the water slides. I love that stuff!!! While there, we ran into Jenny Adcox, an old friend of ours from Jonesboro. What are the odds!? Well, I guess pretty good considering everybody vacactions in Destin during the summer. But it was great to see Jenny and catch up with her. We wished each other Happy Birthday (we share the same birthday). It was good to see her beautiful girls too!
The highlight of the trip for Kiley was our first annual Shumpert Family Treasure Hunt. "The Pirates" left Kiley a treasure map outside her door one day during nap time. She followed the map down the elevator, to the wood stairs, out the boardwalk to the beach, and to the "X" where she found some buried treasure! You have never seen a more excited four year old. I think this will be a staple in future family vacations.

Speaking of pirates...my girls made some friends on our trip who happened to have a raft. The young girl (Kate) was more than happy to share her raft with Kiley and Robyn:

Then Robyn pirated the ship and reveled in the booty!

Robyn seemed to calm down when we made it out to the beach. Getting her to go down every day was a chore. Of course, she and Kiley wanted to be at the pool most of the day. But we finally got them down to ocean for some good pictures. Here are just a couple:

Eventually, everyone gets tired. You never have to wonder with Robyn what she wants. She will always let you know. One day, I turned around and in her own little way she let me know it was time for a rest:

I have been vacationing in Florida for my whole life. I think family vacation is more meaningful to us than perhaps many holidays throughout the year. It is our time to do what we like to do and form our own traditions. I would not trade any of the time we have spent together. I definitely missed Dad this week. I tried hard not to cry this week and was mostly successful. I allowed myself a few tears the morning of my birthday but other than that tried to stay pretty positive. It was good to go back and remember all the times I have been here with my parents and move forward with my children. What a blessing.

Robyn, on the other hand, was absolutely fearless. Again, let me plug the babysitter here. The pool had another level about a foot below the surface with a ledge that ran the entire distance around the pool. Great for toddlers to walk on! Only Robyn didn't want to walk on it. She wanted to jump over it...with her eyes closed as you see her doing here. She doesn't know she is only 19 months old. It took all four of us (me, Brad, mom, and babysitter) just to keep Robyn alive this week. She was all over the place. She would try this jumping in maneuver at all different levels of the pool (at the stairs, in the hot tub, in the 5 foot section, around the rock waterfall feature). Whew!! What energy.

I didn't get any pictures of our day at Big Kahunas but that day was a blast. We left Robyn with Mom in the condo and took Kiley to the waterpark. I think I had more fun than she did. Brad stayed with her in the kiddy pool area and let me ride the water slides. I love that stuff!!! While there, we ran into Jenny Adcox, an old friend of ours from Jonesboro. What are the odds!? Well, I guess pretty good considering everybody vacactions in Destin during the summer. But it was great to see Jenny and catch up with her. We wished each other Happy Birthday (we share the same birthday). It was good to see her beautiful girls too!
The highlight of the trip for Kiley was our first annual Shumpert Family Treasure Hunt. "The Pirates" left Kiley a treasure map outside her door one day during nap time. She followed the map down the elevator, to the wood stairs, out the boardwalk to the beach, and to the "X" where she found some buried treasure! You have never seen a more excited four year old. I think this will be a staple in future family vacations.

Speaking of pirates...my girls made some friends on our trip who happened to have a raft. The young girl (Kate) was more than happy to share her raft with Kiley and Robyn:

Then Robyn pirated the ship and reveled in the booty!

Robyn seemed to calm down when we made it out to the beach. Getting her to go down every day was a chore. Of course, she and Kiley wanted to be at the pool most of the day. But we finally got them down to ocean for some good pictures. Here are just a couple:

Eventually, everyone gets tired. You never have to wonder with Robyn what she wants. She will always let you know. One day, I turned around and in her own little way she let me know it was time for a rest:

I have been vacationing in Florida for my whole life. I think family vacation is more meaningful to us than perhaps many holidays throughout the year. It is our time to do what we like to do and form our own traditions. I would not trade any of the time we have spent together. I definitely missed Dad this week. I tried hard not to cry this week and was mostly successful. I allowed myself a few tears the morning of my birthday but other than that tried to stay pretty positive. It was good to go back and remember all the times I have been here with my parents and move forward with my children. What a blessing.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Moving Forward
It's been a crazy week. I have anticipated this week with bitter sweetness. I have been able to keep busy and am thankful for the commotion. We leave for vacation tomorrow. There will be one very evident absence in the condo this year. Every year we could count on one thing, Dad would be in the condo reading his paper. This was his favorite thing to do on vacation. It will feel very strange not having him there to talk to and harass about not going to the beach. This is how Dad spent vacation for as long as I can remember. He would visit the beach briefly each day and retreat back to the condo to read one of about five papers he bought daily. Then, we all got ready and went to dinner for some great conversation. He loved to debate and I, as a by-product, picked up the art and loved relating to him in this way. There are few people on this Earth that I will ever be able to talk to like that. To say I will miss him this week is an understatement. I will miss his straw hat. I will miss that he never wore sunscreen. I will miss that he will not be able to teach my girls to swim as he taught me. I will miss the conversation about current events. I will miss his poor taste in clothing. I will miss his many rounds of Come Monday. I will miss his smile. I will miss his Hush Puppy shoes. I will miss his hugs with me and my girls. Last year was such a blessing, I now know. I wish I had soaked it up more but we thought he was cured and we celebrated. I am very thankful it has been a crazy week or I would have thought about all of this more. I think this will be harder than Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Fathers Day. I'll be thinking about him a lot this week. After all, he was there 31 years ago this week when I was born.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Some comments on the New Yorker Cover
I've been in the dark for a couple of days but my attention was recently drawn toward this controversial cover. I will just say my piece and be on my way. This was an email I sent to my husband about the article and feel compelled to also share it here:
Is this where freedom of speech gets us? If given over to our own ends, this is the unpatriotic crap that the big whigs come up with? Satire or not, there are some things that people just ought to know better than to do. At some point, some things are just universally wrong and this is one of them. It is divisive at best and slanderous to a lot of people (not just Obama) at worst. Even if you disagree with the war, this kind of propaganda does no one any good. Stir the pot some more, we think we are in bad times now? We ainʼt seen nothinʼ yet. This kind of stuff is going to come back to bite us. It is arrogant and hidden behind the first amendment. It is everything bad about postmodernity wrapped up in one illustration. No topic is too sacred to ridicule (racism, war, marriage, religion). There are no rules of engagement anymore. This is the American kind of guerilla warfare.
Have whatever opinion you like about the cover but I'm a little fired up about it if you can't tell.
Is this where freedom of speech gets us? If given over to our own ends, this is the unpatriotic crap that the big whigs come up with? Satire or not, there are some things that people just ought to know better than to do. At some point, some things are just universally wrong and this is one of them. It is divisive at best and slanderous to a lot of people (not just Obama) at worst. Even if you disagree with the war, this kind of propaganda does no one any good. Stir the pot some more, we think we are in bad times now? We ainʼt seen nothinʼ yet. This kind of stuff is going to come back to bite us. It is arrogant and hidden behind the first amendment. It is everything bad about postmodernity wrapped up in one illustration. No topic is too sacred to ridicule (racism, war, marriage, religion). There are no rules of engagement anymore. This is the American kind of guerilla warfare.
Have whatever opinion you like about the cover but I'm a little fired up about it if you can't tell.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I love those rare moments when my girls are really getting along and learning to play together. Robyn is so proud of Kiley that she is trying to do everything just like her. They really get along well. Here are a few recent moments in the house:

I was in the kitchen and began to get a little worried because I didn't hear Robyn. I started looking for her and found her in the dark, in the bathroom, on her stool, brushing her teeth. She is very independent and VERY capable. She had pulled her stool up to the sink and grabbed her toothbrush. So naturally, I seized the moment and turned on the water for her. I'm still trying to get Kiley to understand the need to brush teeth. So cute!

And she's always thinking of others..."Want to share, Mommy"?

I was in the kitchen and began to get a little worried because I didn't hear Robyn. I started looking for her and found her in the dark, in the bathroom, on her stool, brushing her teeth. She is very independent and VERY capable. She had pulled her stool up to the sink and grabbed her toothbrush. So naturally, I seized the moment and turned on the water for her. I'm still trying to get Kiley to understand the need to brush teeth. So cute!

And she's always thinking of others..."Want to share, Mommy"?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
LSAT Results
We got LSAT results today. We actually got them a few days early, they weren't due out until Monday but we heard from a friend that sometimes when its around a holiday they will post them early. Brad did great!!! His score is right where it needs to be to apply to some of our top choice schools. We will start the application process and the future is officially now wide open. It will be great to see what God has in store for us. I am excited about how things will play out. It is an adventurous time. We also listed the house today with a realtor. She advised me to become emotionally unattached to the place and I told her I was there. She advised me of some cosmetic changes we could make and I am ready, willing, and able to make them. Let's get this baby sold!!! I can't explain what has gotten me to this point, but I think we have some exciting times ahead. As I sat outside yesterday trying to enjoy the evening whilst being eaten alive by mosquitos (or as Kiley referred to them as baby wasps) I realized just how ready I am to be moving forward. Even if we end up staying right here in Jonesboro I think we have a lot of adventures in our near future! We'll keep you posted on the journey.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We can breathe again
It was a crazy Spring to say the least. Normally, I am not thrilled about the start of another Summer in Jonesboro as I had been about the start of Summer in Chattanooga in my youth. But this Summer, I welcome with open arms. I am so glad to have some semblance of my family back intact. Mostly, Brad has come up for air...a little. We made it through the LSAT and are awaiting his test score. Meanwhile, I am focussed on Paces work and thoroughly enjoying my life. We are spending time at the pool and my girls are great. Their Grandpa took some pictures this weekend. One, in particular, epitomizes Robyn...

I see that she is definitely my child. So poised in self assurance and sassiness. She is confident about every move she makes and is very head strong. I love it!!! I'm sure we will butt heads a lot in her life. Anyway, not much else is going on. We made it through my first Father's Day without my dad. I was okay until my father-in-law ordered Loaded Potatoe Soup at Outback on that Sunday. One of the last times my dad was in town, just after his Throat Cancer surgery, we went to Outback and he had the soup. This was the first semi-solid food he had had in months and I remember the look in his eyes as he enjoyed every last bite!! But all in all, we had a great day. Brad had to study some, but we got to rest also. We are glad to be moving forward with a lot of new things.
Our friends, the Cebulskis, are getting ready for the Olympic Trials at the end of the month. We are praying Joe makes it to the Olympics!! How cool will that be to know someone in the Olympics!?!! Ta Ta For Now...

I see that she is definitely my child. So poised in self assurance and sassiness. She is confident about every move she makes and is very head strong. I love it!!! I'm sure we will butt heads a lot in her life. Anyway, not much else is going on. We made it through my first Father's Day without my dad. I was okay until my father-in-law ordered Loaded Potatoe Soup at Outback on that Sunday. One of the last times my dad was in town, just after his Throat Cancer surgery, we went to Outback and he had the soup. This was the first semi-solid food he had had in months and I remember the look in his eyes as he enjoyed every last bite!! But all in all, we had a great day. Brad had to study some, but we got to rest also. We are glad to be moving forward with a lot of new things.
Our friends, the Cebulskis, are getting ready for the Olympic Trials at the end of the month. We are praying Joe makes it to the Olympics!! How cool will that be to know someone in the Olympics!?!! Ta Ta For Now...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Big Day
If you don't know by now, Brad is taking the LSAT on Monday. He is understandably nervous but feels that he is in a good place. Right where he needs to be with his studying and practice scores. Please pray for him throughout the weekend. Pray that he will have peace and relaxation for the next few days, that we can have some fun as a family to ease and prepare his mind, and that he will do exactly what he needs to do on test day. The test is at 1:00p on Monday in Memphis. I am so proud of him and what he has accomplished over the last year. What a testament to perseverance! Thanks for all your support. I am praying that God be with him and give him strength beyond what Brad can fathom. We are very excited about what the future holds and can't wait to start planning the rest of the journey to law school. It will be three weeks before we know his score, so also be praying that he can relax during that time. We will be glad to turn this corner and start looking ahead. This has been a long time coming even though many of you are just finding out about Brad's ambitions. So, please just send up some strength and encouragement Brad's way over the weekend. Thanks,
Monday, June 2, 2008
Maiden Voyage
So Mom got a boat. Mom has never done a lot of boating. We don't let Mom go out in a boat alone. Mom has a hard time keeping gas in her own car, much less a boat. Do you see where I am going with this? For most of our Memorial Day Saturday, we spent it on the lake, out of gas. Forty-five minutes into our maiden voyage on Mom's boat, she let's me know that she has never actually been to the restaurant for lunch that we are trying to find by water, only by land. Another forty-five minutes later, we are out of gas. Thanks to technology, however, the emergency response team was able to find us via GPS within a few minutes and tow us to gas. See photo below:

Besides that, Kiley had a great time seeing her cousin. They look a lot alike, I think. Don't you?

Robyn was in Heaven on the lake, she is definitely my child!

Besides that, Kiley had a great time seeing her cousin. They look a lot alike, I think. Don't you?

Robyn was in Heaven on the lake, she is definitely my child!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Weekend Stuff
I intend to post a few pics soon from our Memorial Day weekend in Chattanooga. We decided at the last minute to take a trip to Mom's house. We had not been there since New Year's and were in need of a lake fix. Luckily, Mom got a boat (a story for the next post) and we enjoyed a relaxing weekend on the water. The older I get, the harder these 'road trips' are to recover from. You remember being in college and a few people would decide Friday morning to leave Friday afternoon and wouldn't return until late Sunday. At which time you had only one person's laundry to do, no bills to attend to, and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese was your gourmet dinner. Now, though, I have four people's laundry, a mountain of bills, and we had better be home before dinner or all hell breaks loose in the back seat from lack of sustenance. I feel more tired from my "relaxing weekend" than if I had just stayed home. Can anyone relate? But, like I told Brad, a bad day at the lake is a great day anywhere else!! I wouldn't trade the time with my girls swimming for anything.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I was sitting in church Sunday and Michael Givens got up to pray. Now, I'm sure he said "Heavenly Father as we come to you..." but what I heard was "Heavenly Father as we become to you...". And it got me thinking. In fact, I haven't been able to stop thinking about this slip of the ear. Since Sunday, I have been pondering...what if we came to God this way every time we talk to Him? What a relief that would be. Instead of prayers being driven by guilt and anxiety for all that is wrong, we could converse with God about all the ways we are "becoming" better. I have noted time and again this week ways that I am "becoming" to God. Every day, I am becoming a better mother, becoming a better boss, becoming a better wife, becoming a better friend. And some days I am not becoming any of these things. But what is so poignant about this idea is that every day is filled with actions that cause us to become more or less of whatever it is we want to be and grace to help us get there. It is so gratifying that we can enter this relationship with God where He allows us to "become" and not to have to already "be" where we need to be. I love "becoming"! Every day I am becoming more of the kind of child I want to be for God. Thank you, God, that we can "become" to you!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Some time back, Brad and I were invited to attend the Pepperdine Lectureship in Malibu, CA as panelists to talk about church planting. Who wouldn't accept?!! We had a great trip. Although we missed our kids, we got to see two of our good friends, Joe and Laura Cebulski. It was great getting to see them and catch up and see Joe take another step toward competing for the Olympics. Here are just a few of the pictures we took. During our stay, we found some time to visit Hollywood and the beach! We had some great food and although we didn't see any famous people, we went to a couple of restaurants where they go sometimes. That's just the same isn't it? We did just miss Annette Benning and Russell Crowe by a few hours at one place! Does that count for anything? Regardless, we had a great time. We also got to reconnect with a few of our church plant friends from Oregon. All in all, it was an amazing trip. I think I would live in Malibu!
These are in no particular order but first is a Rolls Royce that costs around $400k-$500k. This was just one of the many Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Maybach, and Mazzarati cars we saw. BMWs and Mercedes were about as prevelant as Hondas around there.

Next is the Hollywood sign. This is the best picture I could get.

We took one afternoon and met Joe and Laura in Claremont, CA where Joe was competing. I got some great action shots.

Here Laura is preparing to take a shot of Joe's jump over the bar. Check her blog to see the result!

These are a couple of shots of the Pepperdine campus. It is every bit as beautiful as you have heard. It sits in the midst of rolling cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The view was awesome but walking up the stairs around campus was a workout.

And Finally, Rodeo Dr. We found a $1000 t-shirt on sale for 70% off. What a deal!!

Let me also make a plug for the book The Shack. I took it on my trip with me and this book has changed my life and certainly the way I relate to God and the Trinity. I hope to post more about it later, but it is a must read!
These are in no particular order but first is a Rolls Royce that costs around $400k-$500k. This was just one of the many Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Maybach, and Mazzarati cars we saw. BMWs and Mercedes were about as prevelant as Hondas around there.

Next is the Hollywood sign. This is the best picture I could get.

We took one afternoon and met Joe and Laura in Claremont, CA where Joe was competing. I got some great action shots.

Here Laura is preparing to take a shot of Joe's jump over the bar. Check her blog to see the result!

These are a couple of shots of the Pepperdine campus. It is every bit as beautiful as you have heard. It sits in the midst of rolling cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The view was awesome but walking up the stairs around campus was a workout.

And Finally, Rodeo Dr. We found a $1000 t-shirt on sale for 70% off. What a deal!!

Let me also make a plug for the book The Shack. I took it on my trip with me and this book has changed my life and certainly the way I relate to God and the Trinity. I hope to post more about it later, but it is a must read!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
March for Babies PSA
This year, we are marching for babies! Paces is sponsoring a team to help raise money for the March of Dimes. Paces' mission is 'to help young parents raise healthy, nurtured children'. Our mission lines up closely with that of the March of Dimes. Both agencies are in business to make sure the next generation has a healthy start in life. To that end, we have created a website where you can donate online. Please help us by visiting our website at www.marchforbabies.org/paces. Or you can just link to it here. It's pretty self explanatory from there. The event is April 26 here in Jonesboro. If you like you can view the March For Babies public service announcement below to find out more about why we are doing this. You might also want to consider coming out to walk with your families. Event information can be found on our webpage. Thanks for helping us out. We are trying to raise $500. Any amount you can give is appreciated, even if it is just a little bit! Thanks everyone
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Birthday Thoughts
Today is one of those days that is bitter sweet. Today is Kiley's Birthday! She is four today. It's weird to think about where I was at this time four years ago. But it's even harder to think about where my family was a year ago. At this time last year, my Dad had just survived Throat Cancer and we thought he was going to be okay. He came out for Kiley's birthday party and we had the best time our family had had in a long time. We all laughed together and spent a lot of really good time together. It was not long after that Dad got Lung Cancer and the year from hell commenced. So, today is a happy and sad day all at once. I knew it would be a good day to go run. Even though I am very sad right now, I can feel myself coming out of this funk I have been in for many months. I feel the cloud is lifting. I have so many emotions that I can't articulate, but I can say that there are days when I just know the Lord is walking this road with me and today was one of those days. I had a great run. The sun was beginning to rise behind the clouds, it was quiet and peaceful...restful. I needed it today. Have you ever had times in your life when a song just seems to come out at just the right time? I think part of my recovery has come since the release of this Natalie Grant song. It's been a while since I have heard a song that encapsulates the message of Christ so well. I smiled a lot today as I ran listening to this song. How can you not smile at the thought of this kind of power working in you?
Monday, March 31, 2008
We always try to keep our Saturdays sacred to do something purely fun with the girls. This past Saturday, we took them to the Children's Museum of Memphis. It was so amazing to see how much Kiley has changed since the last time we were there. I saw a video clip recently that talked about disciplining your toddler. It said that it is important to let your toddler lead but to also follow behind. We have been struggling in our household with helping Kiley understand that she CAN get dressed by herself, she CAN eat without supervision, she CAN put her toys and shoes away. It is never a matter of CAN it is a matter of WILL. I can't imagine where she gets a strong will!? Anyway, while we were at the museum, I made a point to let her lead me around the museum. She always got to lead the way. "Mommy, let's do this", "Mommy, do it this way", "Mommy I want to show you this". And do you know what? Ever since we got back from the museum, she has gotten dressed by herself, she puts her clothes in the clothes hamper, she puts her shoes on, and she has been finding ways to help out around the house. I think something clicked with me this weekend. I don't expect this sudden change of heart to last forever, but I don't expect that it was coincidence either. Hmmmm, it turns out it really is important to let them lead and sometimes be the follower. I'll have to work on that.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
It was the trip of a lifetime! We went with 2 other couples and all of us agreed that this was the most flawless trip any of us have ever taken. Although it was a busy week, it was at once relaxing and invigorating. I have never seen so much snow and these pictures will not do it justice, but this is a sampling. On our last day, we took a snowmobile excursion into the tundra. I felt like I was in the arctic somewhere. There was no wildlife, a whole lot of snow, and very little air. We finished the tour at 12,500 feet and ended at the Continental Divide. I was not able to take pictures there but it was snowing so hard that the conditions were white out. I was very glad Brad was driving. We ate a lot of great food including a fondue adventure at the peak of one of the mountains. I'm glad to be home, but what a great time! Here are some of the pictures...

If you ever get the chance to go...take it!

If you ever get the chance to go...take it!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Blizzard '08
Here are some pics from the big snow day! It was gone by noon.

Kiley the poser!

Our snow goddess! She got a few cat calls from the neighborhood boys. It's a good thing she melted before anyone noticed she wasn't wearing a top!

Robyn curious as usual! No time for pictures.

No snow day is complete without snow angels. I think this was number 42.

Kiley the poser!

Our snow goddess! She got a few cat calls from the neighborhood boys. It's a good thing she melted before anyone noticed she wasn't wearing a top!

Robyn curious as usual! No time for pictures.

No snow day is complete without snow angels. I think this was number 42.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
For Sale
Well, it is official. Our house is For Sale! We have been so blessed to share this home together for the last 4 years. While I am sad to be selling, I know it is the right time. So many people have asked what our plans are for the future and why are we selling? The most honest answer I can give at this time is that I have no idea. Brad has loosely planned to continue his education after he finishes his undergrad but we don't know what that will look like. However, we both agree that it is time to down size a bit to get us in a position to pay for school. We always seem to have a lot on our plate, but we have some very exciting times ahead of us. I can't say that I know where we will be at this time next year and I am excited about that. I like to plan things out but I'm not going to get that luxury this time. I have come to understand that planning is a privilege and blessing God gives us just like any other. My getting to feel like I have any control in anything is as much a blessing as my car, my children, my spouse, my house, etc. If at any time God decides to withhold that blessing for a while it is just because He knows more than I do. Duh! I figure the more I say it, the more I will believe it. So, our home is up for sale and the future is up for grabs!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
40 Assets
I was talking to someone recently about a study I know of. This study was published by the Search Institute and it basically states that there are 40 assets every young should have access to. They are:
Support Family support- Family life provides high levels of love and support.
Positive family communication- Young person and her or his parent(s) communicate positively, and young person is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent(s).
Other adult relationships- Young person receives support from three or more nonparent adults.
Caring neighborhood- Young person experiences caring neighbors.
Caring school climate- School provides a caring, encouraging environment.
Parent involvement in schooling- Parent(s) are actively involved in helping young person succeed in school.
Empowerment- Community values youth Young person perceives that adults in the community value youth.
Youth as resources- Young people are given useful roles in the community.
Service to others- Young person serves in the community one hour or more per week.
Safety- Young person feels safe at home, at school, and in the neighborhood.
Family boundaries- Family has clear rules and consequences, and monitors the young person's whereabouts.
School boundaries- School provides clear rules and consequences.
Neighborhood boundaries- Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring young people's behavior.
Adult role models- Parent(s) and other adults model positive, responsible behavior.
Positive peer influence- Young person's best friends model responsible behavior.
High expectations- Both parent(s) and teachers encourage the young person to do well.
Constructive Use of Time- Creative activities Young person spends three or more hours per week in lessons or practice in music, theater, or other arts.
Youth programs- Young person spends three or more hours per week in sports, clubs, or organizations at school and/or in community organizations.
Religious community- Young person spends one hour or more per week in activities in a religious institution.
Time at home- Young person is out with friends "with nothing special to do" two or fewer nights per week.
Commitment to Learning-
Achievement motivation- Young person is motivated to do well in school.
School engagement- Young person is actively engaged in learning.
Homework- Young person reports doing at least one hour of homework every school day.
Bonding to school- Young person cares about her or his school.
Reading for pleasure- Young person reads for pleasure three or more hours per week.
Positive Values- Caring Young person places high value on helping other people.
Equality and social justice- Young person places high value on promoting equality and reducing hunger and poverty.
Integrity- Young person acts on convictions and stands up for her or his beliefs.
Honesty- Young person "tells the truth even when it is not easy."
Responsibility- Young person accepts and takes personal responsibility.
Restraint- Young person believes it is important not to be sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.
Social Competencies- Planning and decision making Young person knows how to plan ahead and make choices.
Interpersonal competence- Young person has empathy, sensitivity, and friendship skills.
Cultural competence- Young person has knowledge of and comfort with people of different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds.
Resistance skills- Young person can resist negative peer pressure and dangerous situations.
Peaceful conflict resolution- Young person seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently.
Positive Identity-
Personal power- Young person feels he or she has control over "things that happen to me."
Self-esteem- Young person reports having a high self-esteem.
Sense of purpose- Young person reports that "my life has a purpose."
Positive view of personal future- Young person is optimistic about her or his personal future.
What's interesting about this is that the stats say the kids who have 30+ assets have a higher rate of success in life. Not surprising. What IS surprising is that all kids surveyed who had fewer than 10 of these assets ALL had the last one...Positive View of Personal Future! Now that is resiliency. Even when they don't have anything, they have hope. Isn't it our responsibility as Christians to deliver on that hope?
Support Family support- Family life provides high levels of love and support.
Positive family communication- Young person and her or his parent(s) communicate positively, and young person is willing to seek advice and counsel from parent(s).
Other adult relationships- Young person receives support from three or more nonparent adults.
Caring neighborhood- Young person experiences caring neighbors.
Caring school climate- School provides a caring, encouraging environment.
Parent involvement in schooling- Parent(s) are actively involved in helping young person succeed in school.
Empowerment- Community values youth Young person perceives that adults in the community value youth.
Youth as resources- Young people are given useful roles in the community.
Service to others- Young person serves in the community one hour or more per week.
Safety- Young person feels safe at home, at school, and in the neighborhood.
Family boundaries- Family has clear rules and consequences, and monitors the young person's whereabouts.
School boundaries- School provides clear rules and consequences.
Neighborhood boundaries- Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring young people's behavior.
Adult role models- Parent(s) and other adults model positive, responsible behavior.
Positive peer influence- Young person's best friends model responsible behavior.
High expectations- Both parent(s) and teachers encourage the young person to do well.
Constructive Use of Time- Creative activities Young person spends three or more hours per week in lessons or practice in music, theater, or other arts.
Youth programs- Young person spends three or more hours per week in sports, clubs, or organizations at school and/or in community organizations.
Religious community- Young person spends one hour or more per week in activities in a religious institution.
Time at home- Young person is out with friends "with nothing special to do" two or fewer nights per week.
Commitment to Learning-
Achievement motivation- Young person is motivated to do well in school.
School engagement- Young person is actively engaged in learning.
Homework- Young person reports doing at least one hour of homework every school day.
Bonding to school- Young person cares about her or his school.
Reading for pleasure- Young person reads for pleasure three or more hours per week.
Positive Values- Caring Young person places high value on helping other people.
Equality and social justice- Young person places high value on promoting equality and reducing hunger and poverty.
Integrity- Young person acts on convictions and stands up for her or his beliefs.
Honesty- Young person "tells the truth even when it is not easy."
Responsibility- Young person accepts and takes personal responsibility.
Restraint- Young person believes it is important not to be sexually active or to use alcohol or other drugs.
Social Competencies- Planning and decision making Young person knows how to plan ahead and make choices.
Interpersonal competence- Young person has empathy, sensitivity, and friendship skills.
Cultural competence- Young person has knowledge of and comfort with people of different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds.
Resistance skills- Young person can resist negative peer pressure and dangerous situations.
Peaceful conflict resolution- Young person seeks to resolve conflict nonviolently.
Positive Identity-
Personal power- Young person feels he or she has control over "things that happen to me."
Self-esteem- Young person reports having a high self-esteem.
Sense of purpose- Young person reports that "my life has a purpose."
Positive view of personal future- Young person is optimistic about her or his personal future.
What's interesting about this is that the stats say the kids who have 30+ assets have a higher rate of success in life. Not surprising. What IS surprising is that all kids surveyed who had fewer than 10 of these assets ALL had the last one...Positive View of Personal Future! Now that is resiliency. Even when they don't have anything, they have hope. Isn't it our responsibility as Christians to deliver on that hope?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Back in Action
Okay, I've run out of one word phrases to use for titles. How boring anyway. I guess I was trying to be poetic, but I'll save that for a less public forum. Anyway, we have a lot going on in our life. Just when I think I can't handle anymore stress, I watch Jon and Kate plus 8 and think to myself...what a wonderful life I have. Well, Brad and I are going through a cleaning phase in our life. We have been on a journey that is much too detailed to relay here but one that has brought us to some big decisions. We have decided to sell our house and look for something smaller. You might say, big deal, people do that everyday. And you would be right. However, Brad and I are planners, analyzers, control freaks. We like being in our comfortable home that we love. But for the first time in a while, I can honestly say that God is asking me to take this leap of faith and do this. There are a lot of reasons for us to make a break from this home, but mostly I just can hear God telling me this is what we need to do. I trust that He has some big plans for us and I am thrilled to be asked to join His journey wherever He may take us. I feel alive again in this decision as I have not felt in most of my comfortable, suburban lifestyle of the last few years. I have definitely been depressed since my father's passing and have not wanted to share that here. Maybe in the future, but not yet. So, I haven't been writing. Sorry to all 3 of you who read my blog anyway. I am praying today that God will reveal His will for us quickly and make a way for that will. If any of you can help us out, let us know. Peace-
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