Sunday, September 28, 2008


There are so many things to be amused by today. I will not expand on the most amusing which is this political race my husband has found himself in. Let's just leave it at you know where you stand with people when you put yourself out there publicly. I have a deeper admiration for my husband than ever before because of the scrutiny he is enduring these days. No one knows the degree of commitment he has had over the last two years to accomplish the number of things he has accomplished. I can truly say that I have the deepest respect for him and the grace with which he is handling himself as people who know very little about him are hurling comments around about him. To those of you who may find yourselves in this camp, I encourage you to have coffee with Brad. You will learn a lot about his heart. He has come a long way in the last few years and if you doubt his sincerity you should know that we have had many conversations and deep discussions about the direction for our community and our family and I am confident in his ability to lead and so should you be. I will leave it at that.

As for my amusing day today, it started with Kiley in the shower with a green rubber duck. Now, what I am about to tell you is a bit graphic and you should be warned before you read any further. She holds her green duck up to the glass and says, "Mom, look!" As I look over, she has taken the hair from the drain of the shower and given the duck a very stylish toupee!!! I am still laughing at the image!

We got the car washed today and, apparently, I have not taken Robyn through the car wash in her almost two years of existence. She covered her face the whole time thinking the water was about to get her!! So cute!

1 comment:

Amy Barrett said...

The duck story is hilarious!

You are such a great wife, what you wrote about Brad is so sweet.