Thursday, April 3, 2008

March for Babies PSA

This year, we are marching for babies! Paces is sponsoring a team to help raise money for the March of Dimes. Paces' mission is 'to help young parents raise healthy, nurtured children'. Our mission lines up closely with that of the March of Dimes. Both agencies are in business to make sure the next generation has a healthy start in life. To that end, we have created a website where you can donate online. Please help us by visiting our website at Or you can just link to it here. It's pretty self explanatory from there. The event is April 26 here in Jonesboro. If you like you can view the March For Babies public service announcement below to find out more about why we are doing this. You might also want to consider coming out to walk with your families. Event information can be found on our webpage. Thanks for helping us out. We are trying to raise $500. Any amount you can give is appreciated, even if it is just a little bit! Thanks everyone

1 comment:

Polly said...

tagged by me too!