Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I have been intrigued by the Senate hearings with regard to Sotomayor. Brad and I have become particularly boring since moving to Little Rock. A relaxing night consists of getting the kids to bed so we can debrief on the day's current events. So, the last few days our talks have revolved around the confirmation process. I haven't been able to watch most of it direcetly. But I do read every few hours about how things are going on the Hill. I must say, I have been really impressed with Sotomayor's demeanor. She has remained collected and quick witted throughout the process. I understand that Republicans like Sens. Lindsey Graham and Jeff Sessions believe it is their God given duty to berate when questioning. They are making good on their committment to be the voice of dissention and rebuke throughout the process. And, for the most part, it is necessary to have such voices. Otherwise, there would be no need for the hearings at all. But what is most intriguing to me is that Sotomayor never lets her face betray her. I can't remember the last time I watched similar events take place on TV and the degree of drama from all parties was laughable. But Sotomayor is definitely not giving SNL any material this week. Graham and Sessions on the other hand....

How fresh it is to see someone maintain composure and defy letting personal attacks govern the process. Sotomayor's demeanor, although it doesn't make for good TV, sets a new tone for how we ought to handle ourselves. Furthermore, I am impressed at how she will not allow certain individuals to reduce complex issues into sound bites. For example, when asked about the issue of abortion she gave the following answer:

"I can't answer that in the abstract," Sotomayor said. "The question as it would come before me wouldn't be in the way that you form it as a citizen, it would come to me as a judge."

Some have accused her of avoiding giving her personal stance on the issue. But isn't that what she is supposed to do?? She is caught in a no-win situation with this issue. We want a Justice who will be unbiased, but we insist she give us an absolute answer to the abortion question. The question as it was framed was not one to test the legitimacy of her ability to judge, but rather to test the limits of her moral parameters. Those same moral parameters that are not supposed to influence her decision making! Hmmm? Her answer, in one sense, affords more levity to the issue than the Senators meant for it to. She is saying she must weigh each situation that might come before her with the individual respect it is due while upholding the law of the land. She didn't take the bait and I'm proud of her for it!

I think she will serve the bench well.

(for the full content of the AP article click here)

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