Saturday, August 9, 2008

Great Day

Brad and I have come a long way in 10 years. We celebrated our 10th Anniversary yesterday. We had a very low key day of cards and dinner with the kids. But I think the highlight of my day was when Brad suggested we go hiking today (Saturday) with the girls!!!!! Shocker of all shockers!!!! Brad Shumpert suggesting we do something involving nature, and no air conditioning!!!! We have come a long way! I have finally rubbed off on him. So, we loaded up the Jeep today. Took the top off (of the Jeep that is). And headed for Village Creek State Park. We packed a few snacks and I was in Heaven. I love this stuff. I was so relaxed and it was so peaceful. Brad and Kiley fell victim to the mosquitoes at one short part, but otherwise everyone did great. Brad had the honor of carrying Robyn on his back and she was perfect the whole time. A girl after my own heart! Kiley was such a trooper. She was great at spotting the trail markers on the trees and was a fantastic leader. She walked the whole 2 miles all by herself (and very little whining!). We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. It was great to feel the wind as we drove and it was such a blessing to have a mild day in the middle of August. That never happens here. I'm so thankful to Brad for recognizing how important times like that are to me. I think it is important to get our girls outside and exploring. I hope we can do a lot more of this as they grow up, which is happening way too fast by the way!

1 comment:

Carolyn Brooks said...

Congratulations on your 10th! The day sounded so great. We all need a little of that!